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About The John Humphrey Centre
The John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights was established as a non-governmental organization in Edmonton, Alberta in June 2000, evolving from the Human Rights Education Foundation, founded in 1998. The Centre was established under the guidance and inspiration of patrons John Hume, M.P., M.E.P., Nobel Laureate, Dr. Margaret Kunstler-Humphrey, M.D., F.R.C.P., The Right Honourable Antonio Lamer, P.C. Former Chief Justice of Canada, and the Most Reverend Desmond M. Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus and Nobel Laureate.
Named after the late John Peters Humphrey, the principal drafter of the United Nation Declaration of Human Rights, the Centre’s mission is to advance the universal implementation of human rights through teaching and education of all people, with a specific focus on children and youth. A commitment to human rights, we envision, will enable us to attend to many of the ills in our society; from poverty, to racism, to bullying.
Our Mission is the universal implementation of human rights through teaching and education of all people, with a specific focus on children and youth.
We aim for the universal recognition, understanding, promotion and protection of human rights as outlined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This is essential to the maintenance and advancement of peace and the creation of an everlasting culture of human rights and peace in the world.
The Centre has envisioned large dreams, and turned them into reality. There has been a significant impact on the understanding of life and human rights within Edmonton, the province of Alberta and the nation.
Objects of the Centre
- To educate the public concerning the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights by:
- conducting conferences, meetings, exhibitions and symposia;
- conducting summer camps for the study of human rights issues;
- developing teaching units on human rights;
- To undertake, coordinate or sponsor research related to human rights for dissemination to the public.
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